February 5, 2021
Building Positive Relationships Through Reflection
Jodie Leister LPCC-S, CEAP; Ohio State Employee Assistance Program

Did you know that February is the National Month, for over 30 different reasons? February is known for many things like Black History Month, National Heart Month, Groundhog Day, Lincoln’s (and my mom’s) birthday and Valentine’s Day. Very few people realize that there is a special month for a host of different things such as National Craft Month, National Chocolate Month (yum!), and Human Relations Month. What I find interesting and sweet, pun intended, is all of the national month celebrations seem to have the same theme in mind. Relationships.

This month is rounding the corner for many of us on a year at home. For others, this has been a year where they may have wished to be home. Relationships have been strained and tested but changed and hopefully evolved. Whether it is spending time talking to your partner, pet pal, kids, or even yourself, I’m sure those relationships have brought variety and connection to your life over the last year. So why not focus on all the possibilities and make this February a Relationship Month–not just interpersonal relationships, but the relationship we all have to our community, the planet, our individual and collective culture, our heritage, and our grief over the last year. Take this time to unabashedly show those you care for that you are present and appreciative of what they bring to your life. Deepen your understanding of yourself, the world, and your relationship to it. 

If you are interested in learning more on how to expand and develop some of the relationships in your life, please check out the Health Habit Webinar Series put on by your Employee Assistance Program (EAP), in collaboration with Your Plan for Health (YP4H). Listen to the weekly webinar to learn tips for improving relationships and track daily EAP relationship Health Habit for points toward your wellness goals.

You and Your Partner: 2.18.21 @ 11:30 a.m. You and Your Partner

You and Your Family: 2.25.21 @ 11:30 a.m. You and Your Family


Image credit: istockphoto.com