January 5, 2021
Creating Balance That Works for You
Amanda Fox, LPCC, OSU Health Plan Health Coach

How do you define “balance?” Does it mean equal time and attention to all areas of life? Does it mean a consistent sense of peace and calm? Are you unsure, because you can’t recall the last time you experienced it?

Creating balance in life is something many people strive for, but it can often feel impossible to achieve. Just as we get all the pieces in order, life takes an unexpected turn and shakes things up again. Realistic, sustainable balance isn’t about tending to all the things equally. It’s about tending to the things you love—that feel most fulfilling and meaningful. It’s not about achieving that perfect harmony but about learning to move and adjust with the changing rhythms of life.

It’s probably safe to assume, given the events of 2020, few people feel truly balanced right now. In ways great and small, the plans we set for the year shattered. But periods of great disruption can present opportunities for positive growth and change. The pieces can be put together again for a new and better fit. If 2020 threw you off balance and tested your resilience, now is a great time to reflect on lessons learned and skills strengthened. What will your new vision of balance look like for 2021?

  • What challenges did you face this year and what helped you overcome them?
  • What emerged as most meaningful and important to you?
  • What inspired the greatest feelings of gratitude or joy?
  • What new things did you do or learn?
  • What relationships felt most supportive?
  • What activities felt most fulfilling?
  • What habits helped you feel healthy and well?

Balance looks different for everyone, so let go of what you think it should be and wrestle with what it means for you in your life at this time. Then, make sure your daily or weekly plans reflect that personal understanding. Create and communicate boundaries to protect those highest priorities. And, as you engage in those activities that help you feel well and fulfilled, take a moment to savor the good feelings and positive benefits they bring into your life. That will help you build resilience for the next disruption.

If a new vision for balance and wellness is something you’re looking to create in 2021, join Health Coach Amanda for a four-week Group Health Coaching series, A Balanced Me, meeting from 12:30 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Wednesdays, March 10, 17, 24, and 31, 2021. Click HERE to register.


Image credit: istockphoto.com