October 4, 2023
Managing Wellness During the Holidays
Alison Barney, MA, OSU Health Plan Health Coach

Maybe you are just starting to pull out your jack-o-lanterns and scarecrows, but it is never too early to start thinking about how to make your holiday season a healthy one! Here are some key strategies to have a bright and healthy holiday!

  1. Plan ahead: Planning is the first line of defense to maintain your goals, whatever they might be. Make sure to pre-plan your physical activity, nutrition and down time throughout the week. This will help to ensure you are getting exercise, nutrient rich meals and down time to relax and enjoy!
  2. Communicate: Share with your friends and family members about your commitments or goals.  Preparing your friends and family ahead of time can help them be more supportive. 
  3. Throw out all-or-nothing thinking: A common pitfall is thinking that health and wellness goals have to be all or nothing. A healthier mindset focuses on long-term, sustainable health. This does not mean perfection; this means making adjustments as seasons (and holidays!) require.
  4. Prioritize sleep: Sleep is the base when it comes to maintaining the rest of your healthy habits.  When sleep is lacking, other decisions become more challenging, not to mention the reduced energy you will have for being active. The National Sleep Foundation recommends getting 7-9 hours of sleep per night, even during the holidays.
  5. Take time to destress: For some the holidays can be stressful. Taking some time to yourself is not selfish and this type of self-care will help you treat others and yourself better. You will also be able to make more rational decisions when you are not feeling stressed out. Try meditation, a warm bath or shower or even going for a walk.

The holidays are a time to slow down and enjoy yourself. However, it is still possible to maintain some of your health and wellness goals so that you can feel your best.

If you would like to explore the idea of creating a healthy holiday season for yourself, join OSU Health Coach Alison on November 3 from noon to 12:30 p.m. for the Group Health Coaching series “Keys to a Healthy Holiday Season.” We will take a more in-depth look at some of these tips and more. Click here to sign up today.