April 10, 2019
Mental Health: Let's Not Look Away
Sharon Saia, MSW, LISW-S; Director, Employee Assistance Program

I was clearing the dishes as my daughter was watching the Grammy Awards, and in the background I heard the acceptance speech by Lady Gaga for her song “Shallow,” which stopped me and made me look up as she said “I’m proud to be part of a movie that addresses mental health.”  I couldn’t believe I heard that!  Amazing!  What we already know about mental health is that one in five Americans live with mental illness. Treatment for the most common conditions is effective 80% of the time, yet only 33% of the people who need help will get it because of the societal stigma, the fear of repercussions at work, and the lack of access to quality affordable treatment.[1]  People are losing their lives to depression, anxiety, suicide, and substance use disorders.

Let’s be part of the solution and the culture of caring.  Let’s not look away, but be courageous enough to speak the words “are you hurting?” Let’s look for forward together.  Your EAP can help with mental health issues or support you as you support someone with mental health issues. Confidential and complimentary, call 800-678-6265 or email at eap@osumc.edu

1. Working Well, 2nd ed., p. 4: NAMI-NYC, NEBGH, Partnership for Workplace Mental Health.