January 14, 2020
New Year, New You
Bonnie Wilhelm; Exercise Physiologist, ACE Health Coach

Approximately 80% of us fail to meet our New Year’s Resolutions each year. Instead of trying to set unrealistic expectations for ourselves, try to set smaller goals that fit into everyday life. Forget about the all or nothing principle and find ways to be better than you were yesterday in order to improve your health. Below are a few ways to challenge yourself and make changes that can make a positive impact.

Stress: Create a To-Do List. Break this down into three lists; yearly, monthly, and weekly.  Visualizing our tasks can help us be more successful in accomplishing them. It can also reduce stress and help us see the big picture. At the end of each week remember to look back and congratulate yourself for the items you were able to complete.

Exercise: Pick a set time for exercise. Whether it be in the morning or later in the day. If you are not currently exercising, start small. If you start with 10 minutes a day, you are halfway to the 150 minute per week recommendation for adults. Already exercising?  Challenge yourself to add 5 minutes to each workout session. If you are already exercising for 25 minutes a day, add 5 minutes, 5 times a week, essentially you can add in a whole session.

Sleep: Set a bedtime. Adults should aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. Determine any household chores that can wait and minimize screen time. If you are falling short of the 7-hour recommendation, try to go to bed a little earlier each night until you reach your goal.

Nutrition: Challenge yourself to cook one new healthy recipe each week. Double the recipe and pack for lunch the next day.  This will save you money from dining out and can help improve your nutrition too.

Wellness: Schedule yearly preventive exams. Pick a time throughout the year that will work best for you. It can be helpful to schedule wellness exams around your birthday each year, for an easy reminder. Not sure which screenings you should get annually use this guide as a resource and discuss with your physician: Screenings for Men and Women

Join Coach Michael on February 5 at 12:30 p.m. to learn more about “Maintaining Resolutions.” This four-week Group Health Coaching series via webinar will take a more in-depth view on how to make resolutions routine. Click here to sign up today.