April 6, 2020
Precautions for the Elderly and Those with Chronic Diseases
OSU Health Plan
Those 60 and older or with a chronic condition such as asthma or diabetes are at higher risk for contacting COVID-19 or Corona virus. If you fall into this category or have a family member who does, it is more important now than ever to follow the strict precautions listed below to protect yourself or your loved ones.
- Stay at home
- Make sure everyone in your household or anyone you are in close contact with follows strict hygiene rules. Avoid contact with anyone who may have been exposed or who have signs of illness (fever and or symptoms of a respiratory illness such as coughing and or shortness of breath)
- Make sure your prescriptions are filled. Consider mail order or use the drive up window of your local pharmacy Call your doctor’s office for any upcoming appointments if you have not already heard from them if your appointment is in the next week (most offices are using virtual visits or phone calls rather than have patients come into the office)
- Make sure you have over-the-counter medicines and medical supplies on hand (e.g. tissues, thermometer, fever reducer, cough syrup, etc.)
- Have enough groceries for two to four weeks. (Utilize store hours for high risk and older adults or use pick up or delivery.) Maintain healthy habits, like eating well, getting enough sleep and managing your stress levels in order to keep your immune system as strong as it can be. Keep physically active. Walk outside, but make sure to keep 6 feet from your neighbor
- Activate your social network. Contact family, friends, neighbors, or community health workers in advance and make plans on what to do if you become ill.
- If you have been exposed, follow measures to self-quarantine (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html). If you are experiencing symptoms, call your doctor early to get further instructions.