“Are you ready for the new school year? It’s almost 2024! What have you been doing with your time?” Hearing these statements can fill one with a sense of pressure and aggravation. That’s not what I hope to accomplish here. My intent is to remind you to prioritize your personal goals amid the many new things competing for your attention.
Currently, many of us feel like we’re just trying to survive the day. This approach can be necessary for periods of crisis, but it likely won’t get us to a desirable destination over an extended period. I would generally characterize staff at Ohio State as very hardworking (for some, rest should be their only new goal). However, there is a difference between effort itself and where we decide to put that effort.
Studies have shown that we are more satisfied when our goals are in line with our most authentic selves. If our goals are only based on what we feel we should or shouldn’t be doing, eventually we lose momentum. Being mindful of our authentic selves can require slowing down to be able simply to identify what desires are present. You may not have a lot of time to do this, but even checking in with ourselves for short periods can be beneficial.
When there is an increase in activity, accomplishing our goals can require a different approach. A combination of determination, flexibility, as well as positive self-regard will become especially important. Getting support is more likely to make us effective in reaching a goal. This could be a family member, friend, or a professional.
The OSU Health Plan and Ohio State Employee Assistance Program (EAP) are here to serve you. To utilize your EAP benefit, reach out to 800-679-6265 or visit us online, using the company code “buckeyes.”