December 6, 2023
Staying Active When it's Cold Outside
Michael Bramlish MPH, CHES; OSU Health Plan Health Coach

As the winter chill settles in, it can be tempting to hibernate indoors and put your fitness routine on hold. However, staying active during the colder months is crucial for maintaining your health and well-being. Now is a great time to brainstorm some creative ways to keep moving and stay active this winter season.

Embrace Winter Sports: Winter provides the perfect backdrop for exciting outdoor activities like skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, and walking. These sports not only boost your heart rate but also offer a refreshing change of scenery, making exercise feel more like an adventure.

Indoor Workouts: When it's too cold to venture outside, consider indoor workouts to keep your momentum going. Have you been thinking about joining the gym, trying a new fitness class, or workout video at home? Now can be a great time to shake up the exercise routine and try something new.

Explore Mind-Body Activities: Winter is an ideal time to explore mind-body activities like yoga, Pilates, and stretching. These practices not only improve flexibility and balance but also help reduce stress and boost mental clarity, aligning perfectly with your holistic health goals.

Remember, staying active during the winter doesn't have to be a chore; it can be an enjoyable and invigorating experience. By trying out these varied activities, you can keep your fitness journey on track and embrace the season with vitality and wellness.

Join OSU Health Coach Alison on December 18 at noon for an educational program “Staying Active this Winter.” During this session, you will learn to how to identify the surprising benefits of winter exercise, implement realistic strategies to stay physically active and how to overcome common obstacles. Click here to register.