July 1, 2024
Strategies to Boost Your Financial Confidence
Helka Casey, LPCC-S, CEAP; Ohio State University Employee Assistance Program

We all have a complex relationship with money. For many of us, the mere mention of money, bills, retirement, and financial planning can be a major source of stress. It’s fascinating that something seemingly objective, like currency, becomes so intertwined with our emotions.

Money can symbolize security and stability, while for others it triggers feelings of shame or anxiety. Our upbringing and experiences shape these associations. In the United States, we’re bombarded with messages that success and knowledge equate to financial wealth, etc. These external pressures can lead to stress and self-judgment. Managing money with a partner can be challenging, too.

Money intersects with our values. How we earn, spend, and invest reflects our priorities. Aligning our financial choices with our ethical compass can reduce stress because we feel best when our behaviors match our values. Sometimes, being more informed can help us to align our actions with our values.

In order to empower you with knowledge, the Ohio State University Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is offering three financial webinars this summer and fall. Attending these sessions can provide you with valuable insights and boost your confidence in managing your finances. Learning about budgeting and saving could serve as an important investment in your own well-being and help put you at ease. Please review the following options available to you:

Budget Boot Camp

Register for EAP workshop: Budge Boot Camp on July 31 at 11:30 a.m.

This webinar is designed to help uncover habits, attitudes, and myths that help people to have more control over their finances and money choices. This hands-on topic creates an engaging group discussion and focuses on the impact of keeping a spending plan.

Money Matters

Register for EAP workshop: Money Matters on September 18 at noon

Finances can be a concern in most relationships. This session invites both spouse/partner to attend and focuses on financial triggers that can impeded a relationship from moving forward. We will review “money personalities” and talk about methods that you can use to help find common ground in budgeting finances.

The Savvy Spender

Register for EAP workshop: The Savvy Spender on December 4 at noon

Identifying and implementing new creative ways to save money and the new technologies available to stretch your dollar are the focus of this session. From reviewing different web links, to the pros and cons of bulk buying, to avoiding impulse buying, to how to spot a scam are all discussed in an interactive group setting.

If you would like to utilize your Ohio State University Employee Assistance Program counseling or work/life benefits, please call 800-678-6265 or submit an online request here: Counseling Request or Work/Life Request.