August 5, 2020
Wear a Mask to Protect You and Others
Susan Meyer, OSU Health Plan

A thorough review of the evidence indicates that face masks protect others from spread of infection by intercepting large aerosol droplets that are released when exhaling, speaking, singing, coughing or sneezing.

Face masks must be worn on Ohio State’s campuses, both inside and outside. Individuals must wear masks before entering indoor or enclosed spaces including, but not limited to: classrooms, common areas, conference rooms, shared office spaces, hallways, buses and shared vehicles. Exceptions for indoor settings include single occupancy of a dedicated office, while dining and some approved athletic/performance settings. See the website listed below for any and all exceptions.

The university has compiled additional guidance regarding alternative masks, cleaning cloth face coverings and respectful mask compliance on the Safe and Healthy Buckeyes Personal Protection and Hygiene page.


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